Ensure Required Skills for Work Centers, Products, Inspections, and Other Activities through Cosmino BDE or Cosmino MES
By Matthias Kohlbrand InSome Work Centers and machines require special knowledge from their operators. In addition, there are products for the manufacture of which certain qualifications must be available, as well as activities, e.g. inspections, the execution of which also depends on a knowledge level.
These so-called Skills, which an employee has, can in turn be available in different forms (levels). The Skills can be regularly intensified or maintained through participation in training courses, certifications, self-instruction or simply through the application of the activity. Otherwise, it can happen that the existing Skill of the employee expires.

The new Cosmino Skill Management enables the management of these Skills and abilities. This makes it transparent where which Skill is needed and who has it, at what level and with what validity. The transparent presentation shows both development opportunities and gaps. The training of Skills can thus be planned in a more targeted manner.
When using the Cosmino production data acquisition dialog or Cosmino SPC dialog – both components of Cosmino BDE and Cosmino MES – it is also constantly checked whether the existing Skills of the logged-in employees are sufficient for the current activity or product.
Contact us if you want to benefit from these and other Cosmino Skill Management advantages:
- High occupational safety and quality by ensuring the required Skills are available at the machine
- Develop employee Skills and abilities in a goal-oriented manner
- (Timely) identification of employee training needs
- Transparent overview of Skills and development potentials